Stewardship & Organizations

Stewardship & Organizations

We are a welcoming community striving to help all who worship here to be better disciples of Jesus Christ.  

Stewardship Guide

Our Stewardship Guide provides information about the wonderful opportunities in our parish to become involved. We are so grateful for our volunteers and would love your consideration in becoming one of those volunteers! Please click the button below to sign up for our ministries, events, and to tell us about your talents that you are willing to share with our Parish!

Parish Organizations & Committees

There are different ways to join our community in service and friendship. Below, you can see a list of our parish's organizations & committees that are responsible for planning and carrying out the mission of our parish in the community.

To learn more, contact the Parish Office at 573-392-5334.

Knights of Columbus

An organization that sponsor many fund raising activities to support charitable foundations. Knights meet monthly. Members are asked to volunteer for at least one project or five hours annually.

Lady's Altar Society

Plans and prepares funeral dinners for families of deceased parishioners; also provide annual celebratory breakfast for various parish  events. They also host a large Christmas Dinner for the community! Meetings are held the monthly.

Pastoral Council

The Council works in cooperation with and offers advice to the Pastor relating to the pastoral & spiritual well-being of the parish; encourage and support existing ministries; and communicate with the parish faith community. Terms are three years, with parish-wide elections held to choose members. 

Financial Council

The Finance Council works in cooperation with and offers advice to the Pastor with respect to matters relating to the financial well-being of the parish. Term is three years with Council members selected through a discernment process upon vacancy of a member.

Youth Ministry

From our PSR Sunday Classes, to Youth Masses, to outreach events, Youth ministry is an essential part of our mission. It is important to ensure that our Youth are rooted in our Parish and their community through their Catholic Faith. We are always in need of more volunteers!

Parish Picnic Committee

The Parish Picnic is the largest fundraiser every year and helps our parish with all other events and organizations. Volunteers are essential and greatly appreciated for their commitment for their dedication.

Stewardship Council

The four pillars of stewardship are Hospitality, Prayer, Formation and Service. These pillars invite parishioners to experience, witness and live the stewardship way of life in response to their baptismal call to discipleship. 

Vocational Ministry

Guided by the Holy Spirit, Vocation Ministry ignites a vibrant culture of vocations. Inspired by Christ’s call to ‘Come, Follow Me,’ we unite with dioceses to train, equip, and encourage vocations. Together, we cultivate and nurture vocations to the priesthood, consecrated life, and sacramental marriage.