
Called By Name

February 8 & 9 throughout the diocese is Called By Name Sunday: an initiative of the Diocese of Jefferson City Vocations Office that celebrates God’s call to each of us to follow Him in a particular way. Bishop McKnight is encouraging each of us to take this time to not only acknowledge the call given to each heart to be holy and fully in relationship with the One who made it, but also to consider the fact that the One who calls might be asking us to be His voice to others.

1. Be open to God’s call. For those who are able – be open to the call to the priesthood or religious life. These vocations are beautiful gifts both to the Church and to those who are called. So be open, and be courageous if you hear the call.

2. Spend time this week thinking about someone in our parish who God may be calling to the priesthood or religious life – someone with the qualities that you would want in your priest or religious sister.

Next week at all of the Masses, we will have cards for you to share that person’s name and contact information. Bishop McKnight and our Vocation Director, Fr. Paul Clark, will then send them a letter of encouragement along with Fr. Clark’s contact information should they wish to follow up.

God is the one who calls, but He often uses our voice of encouragement and invitation to do so. With your help, we can make this Called By Name Sunday a great success that will bear fruit in our diocese for generations to come. May we be His voice!

Thank you for your openness and generous participation.