Traveling Crucifix

The Traveling Crucifix is an initiative of the Sacred Heart Parish to foster prayer for vocations as a means to serve our community, in taking the traveling crucifix to our individual homes, we welcome Christ as a guest in our homes listening to our deepest aspirations to participate in the life he invites us and we learn to respond generously to His call. Individual & families are invited to take turns of this precious opportunity. The sign up is in the Gathering area.

The Importance of Praying as a Family…

“Let us love one another as God loves each one of us. And where does this love begin? In our own home. How does it begin? By praying together.”

-Mother Teresa of culcutta

Looking for Family Prayer Resources?

Teach the Faith

Check out our Parent Resources for teaching the Faith!

Resources for Moms

Blessed is She a sisterhood of women who desire two things: prayer & community.

The Catholic Parent Guide

These resources will draw families and children closer to our Lord and help build more holy habits in homes.