News & Events

Stay updated with news, announcements and events in each weekly bulletin and this week's insert about Discerning Your Vocation (also linked below).

News & Announcements for the coming weekend's bulletin are due to the parish office on Tuesday. 

For Diocese news and events, read the Catholic Missourian and visit the Diocese Calendar.

Additional Schedules

Parish School of Religion
Sundays, 9 AM - 9:50 AM (Before 10 AM Mass)
September – April

Stewardship Guide

Click here for the Guide.

In it you will find, for both Sacred Heart and Our Lady of the Snows (Mary's Home) information on
Hospitality Ministries, Prayer Ministries, Formation Ministries and  Service Ministries.

Office Hours & Contacts

Tuesday through Friday, 8 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Any changes will be published in the bulletin. 

540 N Mill St, Eldon MO 65026

Reverend Simon Jude Kanyike, Pastor
Deacon Chet Zuck

Erin Koerner, Secretary
Kevin Holtmeyer, Bookkeeper
Rick Talbott, Director of Religious Education


As Christian stewards, we receive God's gifts gratefully, cultivate them responsibly, share them lovingly in justice with others, and return them with increase to the Lord.


Learn more about what is happening around our diocese and in our 100+ faith communities, plus see how you can get involved.


As pilgrims on a journey, we are guided by the Holy Spirit to know and serve the Lord, by reaching out to others in love and service. Our parish offers these resources to parishioners to enrich their spiritual life, enhance their knowledge and form them as missionary disciples.

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