Women’s Ministry Event
Join us September 18th for a night of Painting and Praise! All women are invited and encouraged to bring family and friends. The cost of admission is $10 per person…
October Movie Night
The Miracle of the Sun is a phenomenon seen by tens of thousands of witnesses on October 13, 1917, but it is so rarely discussed. To celebrate the anniversary of…
Spring Again
The Spring Again Senior Citizen’s club meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month for coffee and donuts. This is followed by games and a served lunch. Feel free to join…
Online Giving
You now can give to the Parish your regular donation through an online giving option. Please consider setting up online giving so that you never miss bringing your envelope or…
News & Events
Stay updated with news, announcements and events in each weekly bulletin (also linked below).
View all upcoming events in our Parish here. News & Announcements for the coming weekend's bulletin are due to the parish office on Tuesday.
For Diocese news and events, read the Catholic Missourian and visit the Diocese Calendar.
Additional Schedules
Parish School of Religion
Sundays, 9 AM - 9:50 AM (Before 10 AM Mass)
September – April
Stewardship Guide
In it you will find, for both Sacred Heart and Our Lady of the Snows (Mary's Home) information on
Hospitality Ministries, Prayer Ministries, Formation Ministries and Service Ministries.
Formed Access
Sacred Heart Parish with Knights of Columbus Council 7133 are excited to make available to all our parishioners the opportunity to have access to Click here for details and login instructions.
Office Hours & Contacts
Tuesday through Friday, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Any changes will be published in the bulletin.
540 N Mill St, Eldon MO 65026
Reverend Alex Ekka, Pastor
Deacon Chet Zuck
Erin Koerner, Secretary
Kevin Holtmeyer, Bookkeeper
Rick Talbott, Director of Religious Education
As pilgrims on a journey, we are guided by the Holy Spirit to know and serve the Lord, by reaching out to others in love and service. Our parish offers these resources to parishioners to enrich their spiritual life, enhance their knowledge and form them as missionary disciples.